Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Update on Dad's condition

Hello all,

This is Andy writing for dad. For those that do not know, my dad has brought hospice back into the home to make him more comfortable these days. He is on oxygen and very weak. I'm sure that he would love for you to drop by and say hi or call just to chat with mom.

Dad was able to get mom a Christmas present with some help from Santa's elves. The whole family was at the farm Christmas day to celebrate the Holiday in style. We had dinner together and watched the food disappear. I don't think that anyone left the table hungry.

After dinner each of the kids ( Danna, Nic and I ) spent time in Dad's room talking, listening and remembering.

In the days since Christmas, mom has celebrated her birthday and had many relatives and friends stop by to visit. So go ahead and give mom a call and drop by to say "hi".


Thursday, December 16, 2004

Today was ok. I was able to sit up for a little while. But tonight I was so cold I had to lay in bed with the electric blanket on to keep warm.
Visitors: Erin the county nurse stopped to see me and say good bye, now that hospice has taken over she can't come.
Jim Ahern, our old veterinarian stopped by
Marv from the bank.
Carol worked on Aunt Dorothy's Christmas cards. I managed to write the checks for her tenants while she addressed the cards. Carol had Dorothy sign the cards after school at the manor. Then she worked on our Christmas letter. We hope to get those in the mail this weekend.

We didn't have the tv on tonight, just listened to the radio.

Time for bed.

Love ya,


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Today I managed to do a little walking, I made it to the kitchen once and to the living room to watch a little of the Chiefs game. I had a very hard time getting back to bed so I won't do that again. Visitors: Marv from the bank.
Danna brought Sue Stouder down to cut my hair.
Time for bed, hope the Chiefs manage to win.

Love ya,


Better day today

Today was a little better, at least I kept my food down, and was able to get up and walk a few steps.
Visitors: Bill Fichter, a friend from church and the community
Susan Costello, neighbor and fellow bank employee
Hospice worker, she got me signed up for their services.
Carol shaved me tonight, she laughed and said it looks ok because your not bleeding.
Time for bed,

Love ya,


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Not a good day

Today was a bad day. I vomited 4 times and had a temperature of 101 in the afternoon. By evening the vomiting had stopped but I wasn't much better.

Visitor: Marv from the bank and Bobby Benton made a delivery from the flower shop.

Hope for a better day tomorrow.

Love Ya,


Sunday, December 12, 2004

Watched some basketball today

Carol went to Glenwood to get her hair cut this morning. Danna and Kevin came down to help put up the snow fence. They brought Mom down for a short visit. We had a strong south wind today so my room was really cold. I managed to walk out to the living room to watch a little basketball this afternoon. I don't think I will do that many more times as it was very hard to get out of the chair.

Carol fixed a roast for supper. I ate a little potatoes and gravy. That was a nice change from the chicken soup I have daily.
Time for bed.

Love ya,


All cleaned up.

Carol didn't go to church this morning. She went outside to pick up stuff that blew around during the night. She was able to get the waterfall box for her pond drained.
The wind changed from south to north so my room was much warmer today. This morning I got cleaned up, nice to have a shower and wash my hair.

Visitors: Carol's sister Bev and her son David came to return the coat Carol left in Sharps. They brought potato soup.
Nic also spent the afternoon.

Didn't walk much today, my legs are giving me a lot of trouble. I slept a lot today, but did manage to shave tonight.

Time for bed.

Love ya,


Friday, December 10, 2004

Not much happened today

Friday Carol went to Shen for her back again. I hope it feels better this weekend. After supper I shaved, but didn't feel like watching TV.
Visitor: Ed from the bank brought me the sports page and other local papers.
Not much news, time for bed.

Love ya,


Thursday, December 09, 2004

Slow day at home.

Another long day, I wasn't able to walk as long as I usually do in the morning. My legs are not wanting to go where I want them to go.

Visitors: Ed and Marv from the bank.

Danna came and brought a poinsettia. She was stopping to visit Grandma Scott on her way home.
Tonight Carol and I worked on our Christmas letter. I didn't make it to the living room for any TV tonight.

Just seems to sleep.

Time for bed.

Love ya,

Slow day at home.

Another long day, I wasn't able to walk as long as I ususally do in the morning. My legs are not wanting to go where I want them to go.

Visitors: Ed and Marv from the bank.

Danna came and brought a poinsetta. She was stopping to visit Gandma Scott on her way home.
Tonight Carol and I worked on our Christmas letter. I didn't make it to the living room for any tv tonight.

Just seems to sleep.

Time for bed.

Love ya,

Back online

Carol is back at school after several days off. She received word Thursday morning that her mother had passed away. Visitation was last Sunday with the funeral on Monday. Tuesday she went back to Sharps to go through some things at her home.
Thursday visitors: Sandy Howard brought ham cheese, buns and chips.
Friday visitors: Marv from the bank and Nic came down for the afternoon. She made cookies for us and kept Carol and I company.
Saturday visitors: Pastor Jack brought communion,
Harold and Karen Holloway brought ham, cheese and bread for Carol to take to Sharps.
Sunday visitors: Andy and Jennifer came up and stayed with me until they had to leave for the visitation.
Kathy came in the evening to heat up my supper and keep me company.
Monday visitors: Marv and Ed from the bank stopped by.
Cliff came to heat up my lunch and keep me company for a little while.
Tuesday Andy and Jennifer headed back to KC.
Tonight I managed to sit in the living room long enough to watch "Lost".
It's about bedtime.

Love ya,
