Wednesday, February 09, 2005

More snow

Well it did snow most of the afternoon yesterday. Dad did sit up and watch it snow for a while, but slept most of the afternoon. Mom was enjoying the birds outside when I talked to her about 4:30, there were a male & female cardinal at the feeder. Plus she could see one of the owls in the trees. Danna has named the two owls, there is a female, (we think) Amber, and the male, Sparky. Mom couldn't tell which one was out last night... but enjoyed seeing it none the less.

Mom said that her kids are doing a pretty good job decorating their cakes. They didn't all clean up very well, so lost some points on that... but she has to bake more cakes! They are going to have someone come on Monday to demo a few things, like taking a picture and painting it on the cake, so mom is going to bake cakes for her to use.

When I called after volleyball she said dad was again not feeling too well. He had an upset stomach and didn't want to eat supper.

Mom said he was still not feeling well this morning and didn't want breakfast either. Mom did get him to take his pain pills and he was resting when I called this morning. Mom had cleaned off the car & scooped the sidewalks. Aunt Bev called and she enjoyed her coffee on the porch while talking to her. The nurse Karen had called to make sure she could get in, mom assured her that the plow had been down the road. She was going to be there about 12:00. Uncle Cliff was coming to stay with dad this afternoon.

Mom has a tax appointment and is going to get groceries in Shen. Oh and get her drivers license renewed in Sidney, her two month window is almost up! All because there is no school this afternoon at FM. Yeah for mom!

Kirk and I are going down tonight to see them. Kirk is going to install a program on her computer so she can do her grades at home. Plus then we can watch "Lost" together. It has become a favorite. Kirk watches because I do, but at least it is interesting! : ) They are finally having a new one on tonight. This will save mom and I some time on the phone tonight, we can just discuss it while we are watching it! : )

I think that is about it. Hope you all are well and thanks for checking on dad!



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