Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Long Night

Well last night dad was not feeling very well. He got sick two of the three times I called. I was thinking I was bad luck! He had a pretty good day, but the night went sour in a hurry. He was trying to eat dinner about 7:30 and got sick. That was the end of call #1 last night. Then I called back, I think around 8:30 or 9:00 and he was sick again. I did manage one more call without him getting sick, thankfully... Mom said it was going to be a long night and it was....

This morning was better, he had breakfast and was sleeping when I called. Mom was watching the Jane Paulie show and they were talking about true age. She was excited because coffee and chocolate were both supposed to help keep you young, (along with exercise and drinking one alcoholic beverage everyday)... I thought that sounded good too! : ) She was ready to go out to burn the trash and then have her chocolate muffin and drink her coffee. All in the name of staying young, I am sure!

Yesterday afternoon dad had a couple extra visitors. Marv and Ed came out from the Bank. The new hospice nurse was also there yesterday and called last night, I think, her name is Karen. She will be back tomorrow to check on dad again. Today Mark and Benita Fichter are coming out for the early afternoon and then Desi must still be too sick to come, so Kim is coming down until mom gets home from school. Danna and Kevin are going back tonight, to give some night-time relief.

Not too much else to report today... hope you are all well and thanks for checking on dad.



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