Saturday, November 06, 2004

Iowa State Beats Nebraska

Saturday started with a shower and general clean up. Breakfast went well. The county nurse came to load the new IV. We got it started, but it only lasted a couple of hours. This really shakes me up, but we got the pump stopped and the nurse came back and took out the IV. We may wait until Monday to try again.

Well, It was Iowa State's day to beat Nebraska. Iowa State's skill people are young - red shirt freshman QB and receivers. Need to beat Kansas State and Missouri to win the Big 12 North. Probably won't happen but it would be nice for a change.

Roger and Paulette Irwin stopped to visit. Roger was a classmate in high school. Carol is trying to decorate another pumpkin. Danna and Kevin (plus the rest of the wedding party) left Omaha this afternoon for Vegas. Danna called when they got there. There were off to get the marriage license.

Kathe Fichter loaned us a speaker phone so we can hear the ceremony.

Love Ya,



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